Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where you go I will reads.

Take me where you are essentially. lead me to bind the brokenhearted. Grabbing hold of captives, offering a word of life.

Where you go I will reads.

and i marvel at the profound simplicity, a promise coming to pass.

And i steer clear of beggars but run to the prostitutes. Greet the widows in joy but keep my hands in my pockets. And i should have given money to a man yesterday. I looked away. And he was gone.

I keep looking at people-and seeing them as fellow human beings, and its starting to mess me up. A man on a bed. Visits 14 year old prostitutes and all i can think of is how he's some woman's son. that he's had a childhood, pain and fear and history. And now i see him in a fraction of a space in time. In a brothel, on a bed, searching.

A man with turned in legs and trembling hands asks me for money as i buy my lunch. And i look away. Shuffling from one distanced glance to another he continues on. I reach into my purse, too late. He's nowhere. And i wonder at the image of Jesus I refused to serve.

A boy crawling on all fours down the the busy Park Street. 5 Star hotels, sugary coffees, fried chicken available here. And i look away embarassed by the boy whose back refuses to let him walk. And my mind turns to the book i just read about a similar boy and i can't help but wonder at his shame.

Where you go I will go...

When i tattooed this promise. I had no idea the steps to follow.


angela said...

simply beautiful beth. my prayers were with you girls this morning, asking that you feel the comfort of his presence...knowing that he always goes before you.

Tiffany said...

despite all my doubt/anger/disgust/hate for religion and the church... you inspire me that maybe there is some truth to this God thing. Maybe there are good, selfless people who long to change and who long to change this world for the better.