Wednesday, June 17, 2009

oh glorious. the rain has come, after two days scorching every living thing...finally a bit of reprieve. i love sitting on our veranda watching humanity emerge to the roofs and balconies to drink in a breath of fresh air, washing off layers of city grime. for a moment we're all in unity crying out sighs of deep relief from the oppression of the city's you can tell, i'm pretty excited about the rain tonight.

i've been unable to steal away a moment's rest to sit and write...or more adequately, i've refused to sit and reflect and see what pours out in these pages. paramount quantities of writer's block have left these pages empty and quiet. most days there's so much to fill my mind, so much to break my heart, so much to process and share but the daunting task of painting even a window's worth of understanding proves too much to handle, so i watch the Office and go to bed instead.

its has been a difficult few months. sadness has followed me through each day, as i've carried the scarring stories of my friends in the red light area. i've wondered at the placement of hope, and where goodness can be brought and found. i've wondered at where my own identity should be grounded, and how to hold back the tendancy to be found in what i do barring who it is i am in the body and blood of Jesus. and i'm rediscovering, practically daily, what the song of lament really means. and the power of hoping in a new creation, and the strength that floods in moments of sincere silence.

i'm thrilled to be going home in two the Waterman farm and strawberries and steak. and a chance to find restoration and being...and that coupled with the symphony of rain outside my window is enough to make me jump for joy even when the heat index climbs above 120 in the course of an afternoon.


Lara said...

I love you, Beth. I think of you so often.

Melissa/Mel said...

oh sweet beth! sorry it has been a hard(er than normal) season. looking forward to being with you. love the pic...oh beloved verandah! glad the rains came...lovin you today.

joanna said...

I feel the need to delve into the mystery
To say some things you might not understand
To swim a league in the sorrow of this place
And be sustained by unseen hands

I feel the need to sing a song
That wrestles with the divine notion
That blood atones, that death completes
That joy can supercede emotion

Because the wilderness will be glad
And the desert will rejoice and bloom
And the ransomed of the Lord will walk upon the road
That found foundations in the wasteland of gloom

The moon makes some kind of sense tonight
To the questions I can't speak in words
And my spirit waits on the wind to come and say
"Come now and clearly see what once was blurred"

Cause You speak in ways I can't explain
You call us in names we can't repeat
And you craft the cold to counter that
Which we desire but burns us with it's heat

Because the wilderness will be glad
And the desert will rejoice and bloom
And the ransomed of the Lord will walk upon the road
That found foundations in the wasteland of gloom

- gloom highway, waterdeep

Kristin said...

and home to kristin's one bedroom, wood,paneled but very cute and hip oasis of a flat where she will spoil you with thick steaks, cute clothes and love and love and love and laughter and your mom jokes and safety and birds singing and parks and green and breakfast nooks and wine and long safe talks and AC!!!! can't wait to see you...if i still get too....

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