Monday, March 23, 2009

last night before God and friends i promised to write on this long forsaken blog of mine. so, this is me making good on my word.

there's little time for writing this morning. and unfortunately thats been my long standing attempt at an excuse for quite some time now. but to some credit i must say it all hasnt been my computer has died a sad a lonely death in the past month (im considering chucking said laptop off our 5th story veranda...) so communication with the outside world has come to a grinding screeching halt. and if that wasnt enough my fridge door fell off 3 days back...kyle walked in and said "hey remember when you said you wanted the fridge to open in a new way...weellll" hmm, ive said many things that not being one of them...and if that wasnt enough the breaker to our water pump has shorted out. oh well just lather on more deodorant right. no, wrong. especially not in 90 degree heat folks.
we also thought our bathroom pipes had rotted and were dumping sewer water into our 2nd story friends camode...their exact words." we have to sit on the comode with our umbrella because of the dirty water pouring in." gross. but alas, it didnt turn out to be from the crazy american's use of tp down the drain after all...
i chuckle remembr what one of my indian friends said the other problems come like a bunch of bananas. not many banana trees back home? hard to picture? well lets just say around here fresh off the tree no banana stands alone.

so anyways forgive me for such sparse communication. more writing will come a bunch of bananas...before god and man, i promise.


Sarah said...

yeah bethie! keep writing...missed your words on life!

Melissa/Mel said...

Beth...i've been blog-stalking you for a long time...and i'm glad to know what's going on in that crazy world of yours. sorry so much trouble is happening :(

Lara said...

One banana...
bunch of bananas...
I love any and all of your words.
Sheila and I took pictures in your honor a few weeks ago.
Your description of the fridge door falling off made me laugh out loud. Oh all good appliances must come to an end. Hoping you are not without cold water for very long...

brooke said...

i love hearing about your life. i too have been checking for word from you buddy. i miss you dearly and am praying for you as such.
much love

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